Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am on my way south

  I have been in allot of pain of late. I am suffering the moment I open my eyes. I think this is one sign for me that I need to go see my doctor down south in Sask. I see the greatest Doc. I have ever had. Dr. Kumar. The greatest thing about him is he never doubts you. If you describe your pain he listens and believes, wow what a concept. Dr.Kumar really understand pain in a way that others cannot. Dr. Kumar devoted allot of time to the subject of pain and has helped me more than anyone else has.
 I have been to so many doctors that are busy looking at their watches when you are telling them how you feel. I have gotten the eye of disbelief more times than I wish to recall. In times like these I need to remind myself that I have to take care of myself and I come first. TIME-OUT. that is what I will do. YOU also have to remember to take care of yourself. Nothing will fall apart and the world will not come t0 an end if you take time for yourself.  There isn't a person in the world sick or not, in pain or not that doesn't need  to remember this. 
  Okay think of something positive that happened today to you.  for me I reconnected to an old friend. He has been very supportive in the past of my situation with pain and suffering. The more people like that you know the better.
 out 4 now

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