1. not taking his medication for pain on a regular basis regardless of the pain level.
2. He is moving to much and already went for a walk with his crutches. IT WAS TOO FAR
3. spent too much time sitting with his leg down instead of elevated.
These and other things that we are prone to do. We can't help it. We are bodies of movement. We want to move. It is really bad when you stay in good condition and suddenly you are told stop moving for X amount of time.
Pain Medication has such a bad stigma attached to it. He has the classic paranoia of getting addicted to the pain meds. He is trying to tough it out. Bad move. Don't let your pain get away on you. If u do it is hard to catch again. If you are having bad pain when you are resting remember how bad it will be when it Spikes. ouch !
I admit even today it is hard to stay in a position that makes my back feel the best. Especially when company is around. I did however remind him that he had better lay down and put his leg up. I think that he feels better when he does that.
You just can't tell an active person to quit doing things right away. It is very hard to practice not doing things for the first while. Once you catch on to the cycle of spike pain and better pain you are so damn stir crazy that you over do it.
He is determined but so was I. This is not always a good thing. I asked him how long before he can walk around on it. He said the doctor told him he could start to put weight on it right away. I laughed because I was told all sorts of things as far as my recovery was concerned but only one thing was right. That is HOW do YOU feel. That is the only thing that is important. Not what the surgeon said. Of course the surgeon wants you to get better quick it looks good on them. This is not the way to go. You have to go with what your family doctor is saying and your own body says. Stick with that and you will do OK.
I am leaving here on the 6th of Dec. I will be going down to Regina Sask. to see my implant clinic nurse and maybe Dr. Kumar himself. I am not sure of what the process will be but it will be an adjustment of dose and maybe a change of cocktail of drug in the pump. If anyone is interested in a video cassette of what Dr. Kumar does I would be happy to get it to you the best I can. This man is incredible at what he does.
The first time I saw the video I was in tears. It was the very first time that I had actually saw people that have the same things as I did. There was help available I was so happy. It was so emotional to see these people and to hear their stories that were so much like my own.
Dr. Kumar has a wide range of help available to chronic pain sufferers. There is a pain pump like the one that I have. It is implanted into my body and delivers a set amount of pain medication to a catheter that runs up my back internally to my spinal cord near the spot of my injury. The other is a deep brain implant. A probe is implanted into the brain where the pain relief center is. It electrically stimulates the area so the brain can release it's own pain killer to the body. Third is a Nero stimulator that is implanted along the spine. you can carry an external power panel that can be set for more or less shock. It is a minuscule amount of current that is delivered to the source of pain along the spinal column. This in turn makes the nerves and the brain think that the pain is actually shock sensation.
I got the pain pump because he felt that was best for me. I am getting excited to go out and get a little relief.
I will say good bye 4 today.
What thing good happened to you today. Think I know sometimes it is hard to think of something good in your life with so much pain. THINK> oh ya I was able to get out of the house and go visit with my friend today . It was the first time that he sat still enough for me to have a good visit. I wasn't always trying to catch up to him while he whizzed around.
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