Sunday, November 30, 2008

More pain talk. ouch !!

  Hi everyone. Hope this finds everyone as well as possible. I want to talk a little more about the beginning of my chronic pain again. I know I have not said it much but prevention is the best cure for chronic pain. Prevent having the surgery if you can. Prevent re-injury if you can. Most of all prevent the accident, which we feel powerless over. How can we prevent accidents ? Are some of us meant to have an accident, injury and the chronic pain we are left with?? I think there some things about personality that may add to the variables. I hope during the course of this blog that we can touch on everyone of those variable. I think that everything that I have talked about in regards to chronic pain has had elements of  variables in some way or another. 
  Like all surgeon they gave me a time frame. Time frame to fly home, a time frame to walk, stand, sit, etc. The one I find the most humorous is the time frame in which I was going to be better. LOL. Lets not take these things that seriously during ones illness and injury.  One thing I have read is allot of books and papers to do with chronic pain prevention and it's cure. It is just too much science for me and there are so many variables. We are all different. What works for me might not work for someone else. No, what I really should say is that chances are it won't work for someone else. So this is a sharing of information. Some things will fit some will not. IF you suffer in pain we have something in common. 
   I finally got to fly home. How nice do you think that was? Man if I only knew now what I knew then. I wouldn't have gotten on that plane in the first place.  Something to do with flying bothers me to this day. Whether it be turbulence or altitude it all has negative effect on my pain. It is so bad that I fly with oxygen. The reason is that I get so tight around my thoracic spine. IT is like a belt getting cinched up around tighter and tighter. I cannot take deep breaths of air when this happens. I start to get really sick on the plane after a while. On one trip we took a battery operated sensor. It measures the percentage of oxygen in the blood. When I am at my worst while flying I will drop down to 87 percent. That really isn't that healthy! Pain, spasms, aches all need a large amount of oxygen. This is why at pain clinics they teach you breathing techniques. Breathing techniques  can feed your hurting body as much oxygen as possible. It does help to relax the tension in a person's body. I start a breathe in and say out loud to myself. "in one two three hold" then hold your breath. The breath you take should come in to your lunges in a way that it expands your stomach. You hold your breath for a short time and then Say as you let your air out of your lunges "out two three four let go" as you say this let all the air out of your lunges completely. You have to stay focused on this exercise and expect sometimes up to ten minutes before you feel relaxed. IT is the best thing you can do to a hurting, stressed body.
  After I came back home it was the beginning of a long list of changes in my life. The changes are necessary and as people we do not want change. Believe me make the changes that are necessary. Try not to fight them. The sooner you make the necessary changes the better. Any necessary changes are good for everyone around you too. I don't mean throw in the towel either. I just mean look for the subtle changes.
  I was at home with no help. No one knew what was best for my condition. No one knew much about thoracic surgery. There was not allot of people that wanted to try anything, doing so usually ended in me suffering!  I would try. It was my only hope. I used  cross country ski poles for balance and I tried to walk a little everyday. One thing I had was a lot of determination but no direction. 
  I was in great amounts of pain. I patiently waited for the pain to settle. It seemed to drag me down to the floor, couch, or bed.  That was my new reality how to stay on my feet. I was seeing my doctor every two weeks. There was no change in my pain. Time seemed to drag on . The only thing the doctor could do was give me more pain killers. Of course I would agree. I just wanted some more quality of life. I had very young children at the time that I wanted to spent allot of time with. I could not drive myself to town to see the doctor. I had to get a ride or take a cab forty kilometers to town. 
  I live in a very small community with small community resources.  My family doctor changed my medication as much as he dared to try and find the best combination that would ease the pain even a little. It was a terrible time period of adjustment, terrible pain, depression and sickness.  I was nauseated every day. I took medication for that. It seemed I took medications to counter all the other medications I was on. My Doctor was excellent. He did as much research as he could on the medications offered for my pain and strengthening depression. We tried many combinations to get to the combinations that I take today. Please do not be afraid to research and make suggestions if you are able. I was very fortunate to have a nurse as a wife. She was very helpful as well. 
  I just could not accept this situation I was in. I had something different in mind. I settled in for the fight of my life. I took all things related to my injury as my job. I was very serious at beating it. I truly felt that I could. All this makes no difference to the power of pain. The pain I was in brought me to the bottom of hell itself. 
  I struggled for many months trying to get the help I needed. It is out there don't ever think that it isn't cause it is . You will find it in one form or another. DO not stop seeking help. My family doctor referred me to a pain doctor. A doctor that studied pain and ran a practice trying to help people in pain. He prescribed a medication to me that has helped more than any I have taken before or since. It is gabapentin. It slowed down my extreme nerve pain. My nerve pain is Similar to a dentist drill on a healthy tooth. The pain ran down my right side from my foot into my thoracic spine at  the surgery area then up into the side of my face. It sometimes came out my hands and feet.  The gabapentin slowed down the flow of that pain. It damned it up to pool then spill over to continue it's journey through my right side to pool again. It was so much better than traveling at the speed it did before. It was better when it slowed down the speed of travel and some of the intensity. This pain I was in was almost devine in a way that is hard to explain. My thoughts of it were if I have to suffer like this at the hands of God then there is something out there for me for going through it.   
  I was using massage as well at this time. Yet the over all  pain was still at an uncontrollable level. It was time to go see my surgeon to have a talk about what it could be and if there was any other options. I am guessing this was under a year into the recovery period. 
  I hope that this description does not bother the readers. I know there was a time where I could not read about other pain descriptions nor watch anything that would generate pain on T.V.  Sometimes it is just good to read a pain description that best matches one selves. I hope that this helps in a way to make people feel that it was not only yourself that has suffered in similar pain. This would be most helpful for people first starting out as a pain patient. 
  If you are new to pain please try and not concern yourself with deadlines at this point. You will hear allot about time lines. One timeline I didn't like to hear is that after so much time in pain it is then classed as chronic pain. I think it is six months after an injury that they consider you someone that is experiencing chronic pain. It is just a guideline and everyone is different right?
 Okay then. At this moment I am in allot of pain myself ! I will ask everyone my  usual question. What is the one thing that you can think of that was positive in your life lately.  For me I would say writing this blog is good for me mentally. Not physically of course. It seem to help me mentally to sit down and put my experience in print.  I encourage everyone to do the same. I am able to do it because I now have a laptop. This means I can lay down and keep on typing. A laptop offers much more opportunities for my to write or just spend time on the computer. Take care and we will continue later on. Talk to you later.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Some more on the surgery

  I want to talk a little bit more about the surgery.  Refer to Tuesday where we left off.  I hope that this is not too hard to follow. It is easier for me to break up the information this way. That way I do not have to sit so long to finish the blogs.
  I ended up in the hospital in Calgary for five days after the surgery. I had the chest vacuum going, sucking surgical debris, blood and air out of my body cavity.  I had a catheter still in. I wanted to walk so badly. I felt that I was so sore from lying around. So Leanne and my mother helped me up and I started to walk. At first I was sure I felt a difference. I did notice I had foot pain right away. Leanne and I wrote it off as being pain from being so inactive. I was walking and that was better than before I arrived for surgery? I was very optimistic at this point. I was unable to walk far at all. It was funny having Leanne carry my blood bag from the chest tube and my mother carry my urine bag  to go walking. I had my intravenous  pole in my hand for support for walking. 
 What I didn't know at this point was .......everything.  I certainly didn't know anything about what they had used after the surgery for pain control . I still had my intravenous pain pump. I also still had my chest tube in. Another reason that the tube was in my chest was to suck out the air that was in the chest cavity. If the air was left in there it would push against my lung. I wouldn't be able to inflate the lung properly.  Leanne and I noticed that the chest tube was making a odd sucking noise. It wasn't sealing proper at the entrance hole to my chest. I was sucking air into my body cavity. I was filling up with air. Leanne called for the nurse to come and look at it. The nurse was kind enough to reseal the tube where it enters my chest. It has a gauze and Vaseline seal where the hose enters the body. I did suck in air because of the leak.  I felt as though I was drowning and not getting air with the lung on my right side where the tube entered my body. I had a funny bubble sensation and a pressure up under my neck. The surgeon was coming soon to pull the tube out and seal the hole. I was upset because I wanted all the air to be removed before he closed up the entrance wound in my side. He waited another day and came to pull the tube out. There were stitches in placed around the hole ready to pull tight when the tube was removed. It was a pull, out comes the tube and pull, close the hole. The surgeon told me then that the rest of the air and blood in the body cavity surrounding my lung would be absorbed by the body.
   I was able to use pain pump for pain control. They started to wean me off of the pump and get me ready to leave. The doctor came in and let me know that he will give me enough Tylenol #3 for pain control until I got home. We left the hospital with out a rehab. plan other than it I should be better in eight weeks ??  Leanne and I moved from the hospital and  stayed in a hotel. We had to stay in Calgary for another few days before I could fly. It was pure hell in that hotel room. I took my Tylenol 3 and took it on time every time. Pain Relief ? LOL that was crazy. This was hell. I think that all the anesthesia and numbing drugs they use before during and after surgery was wearing off. IT was hell pure hell. It was never ending, uncomfortable, steady pain. It was like I said HELL.
  Leanne ended up getting me better drugs for pain control. We came back home. My mother in law and a female handler we had stayed to look after dogs and son Ben and daughter Rachel while we were gone . God bless them for their help at our time of need. 
  I didn't know this at the time but my future would be more of the same PAIN for months and then for years and now I know for the rest of my life. 
 Be patient and I will carry on with the rest of the story that lead to me being in chronic pain for the rest of my life and how I cope with it. 
  OK People. Write down or think of something great that has happened to you today. I think that it is important to look for the small details in life that help us carry on. Today I woke up feeling more rested than I have for a while. Some pleasures or happiness in life count for big pleasures when you suffer from something chronic. Take care of yourself until next time by 4 now.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It was a tough day

 My buddy just got out of knee surgery. The look on his face brought back some memories of the time I was just out of surgery.  I could feel it myself, I swear I felt the surgical pain as he would be feeling it. He is doing all the classic things after a surgery.
 1. not taking his medication for pain on a regular basis regardless of the pain level.
 2. He is moving to much and already went for a walk with his crutches. IT WAS TOO FAR
 3. spent too much time sitting with his leg down instead of elevated.
  These and other things that we are prone to do. We can't help it. We are bodies of movement. We want to move. It is really bad when you stay in good condition and suddenly you are told stop moving for X amount of time.  
  Pain Medication has such a bad stigma attached to it. He has the classic paranoia of getting addicted to the pain meds. He is trying to tough it out. Bad move. Don't let your pain get away on you. If u do it is hard to catch again. If you are having bad pain when you are resting remember how bad it will be when it Spikes. ouch ! 
  I admit even today it is hard to stay in a position that makes my back feel the best. Especially when company is around. I did however remind him that he had better lay down and put his leg up. I think that he feels better when he does that. 
  You just can't tell an active person to quit doing things right away. It is very hard to practice not doing things for the first while. Once you catch on to the cycle of spike pain and better pain you are so damn stir crazy that you over do it. 
  He is determined but so was I. This is not always a good thing. I asked him how long before he can walk around on it. He said the doctor told him he could start to put weight on it right away. I laughed because I was told all sorts of things as far as my recovery was concerned but only one thing was right. That is HOW do YOU feel. That is the only thing that is important. Not what the surgeon said. Of course the surgeon wants you to get better quick it looks good on them. This is not the way to go. You have to go with what your family doctor is saying and your own body says. Stick with that and you will do OK.
  I am leaving here on the 6th of Dec. I will be going down to Regina Sask. to see my implant clinic nurse and maybe Dr. Kumar himself.  I am not sure of what the process will be but it will be an adjustment of dose and maybe a change of cocktail of drug in the pump.  If anyone is interested in a video cassette of what Dr. Kumar does I would be happy to get it to you the best I can. This man is incredible at what he does. 
  The first time I saw the video I was in tears. It was the very first time that I had actually saw people that have the same things as I did. There was help available I was so happy. It was so emotional to see these people and to hear their stories that were so much like my own. 
  Dr. Kumar has a wide range of help available to chronic pain sufferers. There is a pain pump like the one that I have. It is implanted into my body and delivers a set amount of pain medication to a catheter that runs up my back internally to my spinal cord near the spot of my injury. The other is a deep brain implant. A probe is implanted into the brain where the pain relief center is. It electrically stimulates the area so the brain can release it's own pain killer to the body. Third is a Nero stimulator that is implanted along the spine. you can carry an external power panel that can be set for more or less shock. It is a minuscule amount of current that is delivered to the source of pain along the spinal column. This in turn makes the nerves and the brain think that the pain is actually shock sensation. 
 I got the pain pump because he felt that was best for me. I am getting excited to go out and get a little relief. 
  I will say good bye 4 today. 
 What thing good happened to you today. Think I know sometimes it is hard to think of something good in your life with so much pain. THINK> oh ya I was able to get out of the house and go visit with my friend today . It was the first time that he sat still enough for me to have a good visit. I wasn't always trying to catch up to him while he whizzed around.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am on my way south

  I have been in allot of pain of late. I am suffering the moment I open my eyes. I think this is one sign for me that I need to go see my doctor down south in Sask. I see the greatest Doc. I have ever had. Dr. Kumar. The greatest thing about him is he never doubts you. If you describe your pain he listens and believes, wow what a concept. Dr.Kumar really understand pain in a way that others cannot. Dr. Kumar devoted allot of time to the subject of pain and has helped me more than anyone else has.
 I have been to so many doctors that are busy looking at their watches when you are telling them how you feel. I have gotten the eye of disbelief more times than I wish to recall. In times like these I need to remind myself that I have to take care of myself and I come first. TIME-OUT. that is what I will do. YOU also have to remember to take care of yourself. Nothing will fall apart and the world will not come t0 an end if you take time for yourself.  There isn't a person in the world sick or not, in pain or not that doesn't need  to remember this. 
  Okay think of something positive that happened today to you.  for me I reconnected to an old friend. He has been very supportive in the past of my situation with pain and suffering. The more people like that you know the better.
 out 4 now

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

another day in the life of a chronic pain person. more on the "surgery"

   Hi I hope that everyone put in a half decent day. I have to tell you that the pain in the morning that I have is truly a hurdle as far as wanting to get up. I understand when other people tell me that they don't feel like getting up today. It is really hard to find incentive. I will admit that writing this blog helps to get up and feel part of something. I just really hope it is reaching the people it needs to reach. Today I will write a bit more about my surgery.

  Well I was in my room at the Calgary foothills hospital. I was getting nervous! The surgeons were ready to call up stairs and have the nurses bring me to the operating theater. Finally the call came and I was wheeled down the hall to the elevator. Down we went to the floor in which the surgeries are done. I just looked up at the ceiling. Hoping,  praying that after they are done with this surgery I would be myself again. We entered the room that I was having surgery in and it was cold so uninviting. They had to transfer me from my hospital bed to the table that I was going to have surgery on. It was a ice cold and very hard surface. They story is true that the lights are bright and you start to feel like a science project. It is a very strange feeling........
  The anaesthetist started to talk to me about my health history while he was hooking things up. I was meeting the nurses all behind a mask. The only thing you could see were their eyes. It is so hard to read what a persons eyes are saying without the rest of the face. I wasn't sure what was about to happen but if they didn't have masks on I would have known better. It was just as well I didn't have warning. The anaesthetist  told me to stretch out my arm and put my left hand down on a table. I figured he was looking for a vein for intravenous. He said that he had to find an artery to put in an artery line that was hooked to a machine. It kept track of blood pressure and I don't know what else. The bottom of my wrist was facing up and the top of my wrist was down against the table. The anaesthetist took a needle and stuck it in my arm just below the wrist. He said it was freezing for the line he was going to put in.  I thought what line ? I looked over and he had a line in his hand with a needle at the bottom of the line. This is what he was going to feed into my artery? I didn't realize how deep into your wrist your artery was until that day. Lucky for me but really unlucky for her,  a nurse had come over and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it so hard while the anaesthetist dug  around and then fed the line into my artery. I looked at the nurses eyes and I could see tears produced by me squeezing so hard. She wouldn't let go?
  The mask was lowered onto my face. I only could pray now that I wouldn't be able to feel pain like that again during this surgery. I was told to think happy thoughts breathe deeply and I was out. During the period of my surgery I remembered later that I had felt the surgeon scraping and pulling at  a spot in my back. It didn't hurt but felt as though someone had finally found the spot where the pain was. I remember feeling happy.
  I was yelling, almost for help. I was bewildered at where I was and why I was there. It felt like a bad hang over and someone had beaten me up badly. Then I saw a hazy figure move my way with a needle. It was almost like they were holding me captive. The figure put a needle into my IV line and I drifted off again.
  I was awakening from what was suppose to be a four hour surgery to one that was eight and a half hours long. It didn't feel nice. I was propted up on my bed. My face was totally swollen. It was caused by fluid they added to my blood to keep my blood pressure up. My surgeon had cut a major artery that runs up the spinal column. I guess I lost lots of blood and the bleeding was hard to stop. The surgery was incomplete. Meaning it was not finished to plan. I remembered how much I hurt. I also had a line running into my body cavity behind my right lung. This was sucking air and blood out of the body cavity. To do the surgery in the thoracic area a surgeon has to approach the spine through the body cavity in the front.  It means that collapsing a lung makes it easier to access the area. My lung was re inflated and I had to blow on a air pump to bring my lung strength back up. It also prevented lung related illness. It was uncomfortable to do with a pipe running behind the lung. 
 okay I am sore and typing is becoming a chore. I will sign off now.  Remember one good thing that happened to you today. My good thing is that the furnace people came out today and are going to help us to have a more comfortable house. The house is cold all the time and burns allot of fuel.  The problem seems to lie in the duct work. That is cheap and good news ! 

Monday, November 24, 2008

The videos that you see

  I am sorry but that isn't my video bar of choice. I am experiencing some difficulties in getting content of humour put up on the video bar. Laughter is the best medicine. please be patient and I will fix the problem 


The Surgery part 1

  I will break things down into small bits so it will be somewhat easier to understand. This will take several posts to do this in. The first bit is what I want to call the "surgery" Again I believe that it is very important to know who is best for you as far as a surgeons goes. Not all surgeons are the same and not all are good at all surgeries. This includes surgeons that say they do back surgeries. Not all back surgeons would be the right choice for all back surgeries. Remember what I mentioned before that only you and a doctor that you trust should make the decisions about your health care. This includes understanding what surgeons would be the best choice for the surgery that you are in need of. 
  In my case I spent so much time being told that not much is wrong with me that I never started thinking about surgery until I was on the air ambulance on my way to Calgary for surgery. Thoracic surgery that is. I remember when I got off the plane I was in so much pain that I could no even pee. I had a pump linked to my intravenous line that I held in my hands. When the pain got bad I would push on a button and the pain killer would be in my vein. That is if the intravenous is in a vein. It turned out that it was not going in my vein but in my muscle. I ended up in a hallway waiting to get in. The hallway was full of patients. When the flight nurse tried to take the pump away from me that I held in my hands I said no way and wrapped it tightly around my hands. There was no way in the pain I was in and in a hallway full of patients I was giving up my only source of pain killer. The flight nurse said that they had to get back to Whitehorse and couldn't go until they had the pump to take back to Whitehorse General Hospital. I said you find my doctor and get me out of this hall and I will give it back. So the flight nurse found my doctor and they got me out of that hallway and into a room. 
  A new intravenous was put in. They found a good vein on my hand. I had a bed and a room. It was about 36 hours later and I got up in my bed and said there is nothing wrong with me lets go home !! needless to say the medication was now working . The nurses were great. In part I think because they just settled their agreements and moral was high. I could really feel the difference between the hospital moral in Whitehorse as apposed to Calgary.
 I spent allot of time getting carted around to ex ray and MRI's. The MRI didn't go well as I found the position too uncomfortable to lay in. I was taken out and sent back to my room. The next scheduled MRI they made sure I was drugged enough that I didn't care about what position they put me in. Remember please ask for this when you need it. I thought that I would be a whiner not. Be comfortable. 
  Once the MRI was done the plan to have surgery was underway. I was getting really nervous about it. I was starting to understand how risky and rare my type of thoracic surgery was. I did as much research as I could in the short time I was in the hospital. I met my surgeon. He told me that he only has done 4 surgeries like mine. He also mentioned that there is not many surgeons that have done more. I signed the little piece of paper that said I will let the surgeon do the surgery and will let him off of the hook if it doesn't go well. I sure got to hate that paper later on after my surgery. I will let you know how the surgery went and we will get into stage 2 of recovery later on. 
  One thing positive that happened to you today is... One thing that happen positive to me is that this morning when I got up some plans had been made for me to go outside to deal with the internal pump I now carry.  I could be on my way soon. I am due to go out for some adjustment.  take care talk to you all later.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

UHHHHHH damn pain.

Today's write up was supposed to be about the time right after surgery. I however am just mad. Pissed at so many situations and different people. People that show no respect making stupid decisions that don't seem to care how it effects me. People just do not listen. I have had so many things negative come my way lately that I don't know if I will get through it.
Does this sound like a big deal. Not really, but when you deal with these above mentioned things while in pain it is a gigantic big huge deal. I can't seem to explain anything to people, now I would sooner yell and tell people off than to be civil. If you live in pain and you are here it means that it is time to hide and rest and get caught up on your pain.
One thing for sure things are not for sure when you live in pain. If you live your day by this it isn't that bad. You expect problems. When it sneaks up on you and bombards you then it happens fast. You become a very unhappy camper. Stressed to the breaking point. On the verge of a break down. When you try and think of a solution nothing comes just anxiety. It is a scary place to be and that is why people that suffer from chronic pain must manage their days. If not things get out of hand like in my case today.
I am in so much pain at the present time that I can only sit at limited times. It is always the case but when it gets worse the amount of time I can sit gets shorter. I will cut the post short today. I came back for a while because I received a laptop for an early Christmas present. It is just been hooked up to my Internet connection. Ya whoop. I am lying down learning how to type with the new key board.  It should make keeping up to my blog easier. Thanks to my lovely wife for the awesome present. 
 Remember what good happened to you today. I saw my friend Georgie and his family. I haven't had a visit with them for quite some time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's time to go back to work/get better.

This is tricky part of an injury. I think it is one of the most crucial times and what you do with this time can totally alter the outcome of your injury. This is the first stage of "rehab". You can enter this stage with knowing exactly what your injury is or not knowing. The important thing to remember is it is ultimately up to you what kind of rehab you choose.
In my case I had the wall come down on me. I hurt everywhere. I went to the emergency and when I came out I was a strong, young thirty three year old that had allot of stained muscle and not to worry but to take some time off and take these pills.
I was hopeful yet doubtful. Here is where the big changes were made. My insurance company started to drive my health care. I thought that this was best because they wanted to see me better right? WRONG they just wanted me out of the office and off the payroll. ONLY YOU can drive the health care you need and you should only do it with your doctor.
I ended up doing these ridiculous exercises and back to work hardening sessions. No one looked close enough with the right machinery (IE MRI machine) to see the full extent of the damage. I would get sick and turn grey and white and get dizzy while doing any movements. My insurance company wanted me back to work that was it. I even went back to work because the quilt trip that insurance companies put you on. I didn't last long. I was back in the hospital.
This was my first experience with "rehab". You see that I should have listened to me. The doctor that I had at the time wasn't any help. You have to make sure you have the right doctor too. One that listens to you and does their best to get you the help you need. I had a doctor that would give me more pills and say take two more weeks off another two weeks etc etc. I needed a doctor that wanted the same as me. That is to get to the problem and start to get better.
I went along with all the information that I had. I didn't know better and I didn't know anyone that was in my situation before. It wasn't long and I was in the hospital. This was when I met my doctor. He is still my doctor to this day. I was not able to walk stand lay down or sit. The pain was too bad. It was the worse pain that I have ever felt in my life. It scared the hell out of me. I ended up in the hospital getting a shot of pain killer every 4 hours . If the shot was late by minutes I would be in the same extreme pain. This went on while they tried to figure out what would make me comfortable enough to send me back home. Nothing would work. Next thing I knew I was on my way by air ambulance to get surgery. This is part one of a list of posts to explain the beginning of my chronic pain. I look forward to talking with everyone again later on.
Remember one good thing that happened in your life today. For me the external machine that tells my internal machine what to do started working this morning. It quit yesterday and my pain was starting to get real bad by the time I got up. I am a happier camper now !!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The day the wall came down !

It was Aug. 14 2000. That was the day the wall came down. I had started my own business. It was a tourist business. I was getting busy in the winter months but did not develope the business into the summer months. I got a phone call from a construction superintendant that I had worked for before. He wanted to know if I would come to work on his job. I was working on a house at the time. The house was such a good job. Clean, above ground, not as much heavy work etc. The kicker was that the job that I talked to the superintendent about was to last longer. So I jumped at the job.
There was a part crew already on the site. One fella there was bound and determined to be the foreman. I gladly agreed and let him be the Foreman. I had nothing to prove with the boss. The job went on for awhile and no safety meetings. The job site was getting dangerous. I talked to the superintendent and said that we needed a safety meeting. A week after my request I got injured.
Our first wall was about to go up. It was fourteen feet high. It was long way to long. I told the fella that was the foreman from hell that the wall was way to big to lift on our own. He quickly disagreed with me and started rounding up the crew to lift this wall. I was totally reluctant but he continued with the push to lift it.
Long to short of it is that they started to lift so I ran over to help the crew. I was right by the corner of the building. the outer side of the building had a seven ply 2x6 post holding up a 2x10 door header. This was a double door to the outside of the building. I grabbed on to the other 7 ply 2x6 post that was the inner side of the door opening.
We got it up over our heads. Then it stopped like I figured. I had way too much wall on my side and the extra weight of the header and posts made the wall start to sag over my head. The bottom of the wall came off the floor. I suddenly had the full weight of the wall on my body. I could not move my legs. The wall started to bend me in half at my thoracic spine. I could feel my ligaments and tenons tearing and coming off bone. It felt like my guts were going to come out my bottom end onto the floor. I screamed for help and my life. Two or three people whom were on the site already came to my assistance to get the weight off my body.
The damage was done. That quick it was over. My life was changed forever. I compressed three discs in my spine tonnes of muscle and tenon damage. worst was my thoracic spine. The disc was trashed and it was impinging my spinal cord. I was totally useless. I could not do a thing where it didn't bother my back from that day on. I suffered from headache, dizziness, nausea, extreme pain all over the body but worse at my thoracic back. I blacked out got sick and the pain was like nothing I had ever experienced..................... THE REHAB IS NEXT. Remember to write down or think of one good thing that happened to you today. It is early yet so I am going to say one good thing that happened to day was my son Ben helped me up out of bed this morning !!! Talk to you later talk care of yourself

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So you have the dreaded chronic pain ??

So you have been told by a so called professional that you have what they consider chronic pain ! Easy for them to say they never had pain a day in their lives. One thing we know chronic pain isn't. It isn't in our heads. I know.
I have suffered with pain for almost nine years now. It took fourteen seconds to change my life forever. I was a super duper active quy, from work to hunting fishing sports you name it I was involved and I liked it. Things are different much different now. This is my story. My story of survival through the darkest times to times of acceptance. It won't be the same for all of us but there will be some things that we have in common. I hope that my story may be able to help others that suffer endlessly everyday for years. I hope that you take something with you from my story. Something much more valuable than what health care providers can provide. Health care providers that wouldn't know chronic pain if it kick them in the ass.
For now I hope everyone will rest good tonight. Please think of, or right down one good thing that happened to you today. Here is my good thing of the day. I met the furnace guy that was out to help with our furnace. He just moved to the Yukon. We had a good talk and I think we may have some solutions to our furnace problems in the near future.